Miniature Gardens — Learn To Create And Earn

Terrariums — A World You Can Create And Get Lost Into

5 min readJul 31, 2021


Terrarium Image: Author

Each one of us has been gifted! Some can speak well & yet others can express themselves in writing; some can sing well, some can dance, some are great cooks, some are sculptors, some knitters and others painters and the list goes on… Everyone can learn from others. It is amazing how much we can learn from each other. I often recall how much I have learned from strangers, from acquaintances, from friends, and of course parents, siblings, and relatives. Often when I use that skill I recall that person who taught me. How nice to be remembered by others by sharing what we know, so they can benefit from that knowledge, perhaps they can make a living from it, or just using that skill brings them peace of mind, so they can live in that little world they create.

Life has changed quite drastically for a great majority of us ever since Covid entered our lives in 2019. It has impacted us in many ways. The one constant that everyone has experienced is lockdowns! Confining ourselves in homes or hotel rooms or any limited space can have a very negative impact on our health and mental well-being. Isolation leads to less human interaction leading to loneliness and depression. It is at these times more than ever that we look for ways of keeping ourselves engaged by…




Top Writer in Food & Cooking, Life Experiences, Self-Improvement, Health, Gardening, memoirs and anything beneficial for the reader.