Ruminations 3: Let our minds be mirrors so we can see within…
How aptly did Sant Kabir Das say:
“I looked for evil all around, I could not find evil;
But when I searched my heart, I found none more evil than myself.”
I remember learning the many beautiful Sant Kabir Das’ sayings in my childhood, but its realisation came to me like a bolt from the blue on the demise of a very good person.
Why is it that we don’t realise all the good qualities of a person when they are with us and why do we blow their negative qualities out of proportion when they live amongst us?
Let’s not point a finger at others — inadvertently three fingers are pointing back at us…
Human nature is such that we tend to look at what good we can say about a person when they are no longer with us. This is exactly what we all do at the loss of someone who matters to us.
There were countless times I had seen them and all I could remember was their smiling face and their loving, caring and respectful demeanour. They were there for me at all times whenever I needed help, I could count on them.