Gratitude — A Quality That Will Guarantee You Peace And Success

When you are grateful you have nothing to complain about

7 min readSep 9, 2022
Photo by Author: Mauna Kea, Hawai

Last night I ordered Pizza for dinner. I seldom order food from outside, but I am nursing a bad cold and have been enjoying the comfort of the bed fully covered up with my doona. I hoped hubby would make me a nice ginger tea and put some fish in the oven to go with the lentil rice that I had in the fridge. But, it wasn’t to be. He too is recovering from a cold. All he came up with was some throat lozenges which I politely declined.

So, reluctantly I placed an order for a vegetarian pizza from the local pizza shop. It came in a short while. The edges burnt, the base flat and tasteless and the toppings sparse. Was I disappointed? Of course, I was!

But, only for a few short minutes. I always enjoy the food I cook and rarely get take-away. My food is healthy and tasty and I would love to feed everyone with my preparations. But, today though the pizza was not to my liking, I am glad I ordered. How would I know the quality of the food is below par if I had not ordered it? I should be grateful for the many foods and ingredients that I have in my freezer and my pantry that I could easily whip up into a delicious meal in no time.




Top Writer in Food & Cooking, Life Experiences, Self-Improvement, Health, Gardening, memoirs and anything beneficial for the reader.